Introductory Essay

Briana Elome

Writing for the Sciences

Professor Brian Brennan

February 2, 2020

Science and Its importance on my Career Goals

      With my career goal being nursing, science is important because it expands my knowledge on different things that are mandatory to know in nursing. The science of the body and of the mind will help me be the nurse I dream to be. With studying the body in science, I’ll be able to understand where the patient may be hurting and what might cause that pain. Also, with studying the mind I’ll be able to understand the different thought processes and the views of where the patient is perceiving things from. Another reason why science is important to my career plans is it will help me not only work with the patients but also other nurses and with the people accompanying the patients. Being able to explain to them certain things is important to me.

In terms of my educational plans, science classes are mandatory for nursing, specifically biology and chemistry classes. Therefore, my goal is to excel in these classes so that nursing schools would see the grades and would accept me. Science is also included in the nursing classes and not only the pre- requisite classes, so it will be useful to actually learn the material for nursing school.

Therefore, science is important in my career and educational plans. It is a big part of nursing and is required in all nursing programs. My goal is to learn the material that is taught to me, so that I can carry it with me all through my career and be able to help my patients with the knowledge that I have obtained. It is crucial that I stay focused on science, for it is extremely important for my future.